Example Usage: https://pusha.one/game?api-url
Example Usage: https://pusha.one/game?mywebsite.com/api.php
The concept is that by using your API callback URL you can customise what the prizes that the coin pusher game will reward to the user, the prizes display a javascript alert() box once they are won and using this alert box you are able to reward the user with a link, product keys, discount codes, etc. The user makes this request from their browser allowing you to create session cookies so that each user gets a unique discount code or similar. You could have a limited supply and when they run out just return "this prize giveaway has ended" or similar.
Your API url will receive the following url query parameters;
- {pid} present box theme id
Present Box Theme ID's
- Maroon with Silver ribbon
- Maroon with Gold ribbon
- Purple with Silver ribbon
- Purple with Gold ribbon
- Purple with Silver ribbon
- Pink with Silver ribbon
- Turquoise with White ribbon
- Purple with Sky Blue ribbon
- White with Cobalt ribbon
- Cobalt with Silver ribbon
- Cobalt with Gold ribbon
- {coins} how many coins played since game start
- {elapsed} how many seconds elapsed since game start
- {winnum} current number of presents won
- {width} screen width
- {height} screen height
Request Example:
What format to supply as your API URL?
Just the domain and page with no query parameters or http/https, all urls must be https accessible.
Make sure you enabled cores for Pusha.one
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: https://Pusha.one
Tip: Press 'c' to switch between Perspective and Orthographic.
Demo Game [pop]
Example API endpoint in PHP
header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: https://pusha.one");